FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Information:

Progress Energy: Call 1-800-700-8744; Bills can be paid at Amscot in Wauchula; or Online

Peace River Electric Coop: Call 863-773-4116 x210; Bills can be paid at Metheny Road in Wauchula; or Online

*NOTE: Will need meter number.

There is a $125.00 deposit on all new accounts.

If the location is a rental property and the landlord has a standing deposit with the Town, the landlord can request the deposit from renter.

Disconnects are done around the 27th of every month and there is a $45.00 reconnect fee.  You will need to contact your provider to reestablish service and pay your outstanding balance and fees.

Bills are due the 20th of every month. There is a $10.00 late fee if paid after 20th.

*NOTE: There is a $25.00 returned check fee on all returned checks.

New bills are mailed out the last day of every month.